About the Artist





     I started drawing from a very young age, and learned a lot from watching my father and his friends. They would frequently draw and paint together at each others’ houses, and I could not help but be inspired by them with all of their unique styles and many mediums. I practiced as I watched them. Their work mostly consisted of fantasy and science fiction concepts which they would display and sell at different conventions throughout the year. Standing in the “artists’ alley” at conventions and expos left me dreaming of a day when I’d be able to join them.

     Art was always my favorite subject in school, and I would take every art elective I could fit into my schedule. I went on and continued to take art courses in college, but these classes veered away from what I was hoping to learn, so I turned my attention to my other passion, writing, instead. I earned a BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration in 2011, but was still left feeling like a part of me was missing without a focus on art.

     In 2014, I turned my sights back to art and began learning Character Animation from Animation Mentor. I graduated in 2016 and began teaching Graphic Arts as an elective course along-side my other English Language Arts courses. My years as an educator were some of the most challenging yet fulfilling experiences of my life. In 2023, I decided it was time to move on from traditional education and step into making an old dream of mine come true, selling my own art, and thus JWK Creates LLC was made.

     I have learned so much and taken great inspiration from many talented artists, but none so much as Aaron Blaise. After I began teaching Graphic Arts, my father, who had been a driving force of my love for art, became completely blind and could no longer see the work I was doing. It took away a lot of the joy I had in art for a long time. It wasn’t until I came across Aaron’s YouTube channel that I actually found the drive to get back to drawing and painting again. I devoured his videos and began taking some of his online courses, and I began to see myself improve and also find joy in art again. Attending one of his in-person watercolor workshops was a life-changing experience for me. I owe him so much for helping to grow and find happiness in art again.

     Now I’ve officially started off on my own with JWK Creates LLC, living out my dream of producing and selling my own art. I focus mainly on animal art, but I occasionally experiment with other subjects and genres. I prefer to work in digital, oil, and watercolor mediums, although sometimes nothing beats a pen and pencil. I’d like to give a special thanks to my wife who has been a constant source of encouragement, accountability, and support in all of my creative pursuits. Thank you also to my family, friends, mentors, and Heavenly Father for helping me to reach where I am today.

     To everyone who has read this far and visited my site, thank you for supporting my dream!

All the best,